WoOoOhOOooOoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! went THAI DISCO last fri with my baby, bro n his frens. yup. IT'S THAI!!! -.-
Then wEnt AreNa agAin!!! wOots! FUN!!!
memories; NaYNeW 12:50 PM
Thursday, December 11, 2008
HeY i'm baCk! alot oF thinGs to bloG.
LikE -i LosT my iphonE. -moved hsE. aDdreSs is........... -went AreNa lAst sAt. dAMn Fun la! -fell into the ChaIr, tHe chAir goT oNe biG hoLe anD mY LEG DAMN HURTS!!!! -bAby feLL doWn tOo. HurT till hIS eyE thEre. PoOr bAby.
memories; NaYNeW 12:32 PM
. about you . *_NaYNeW_*
. LoVEs . *_SmiLeYs_*
*_MoI frEns_*
. HAtEs . *_ppL LiE tO Mi_*
*_pPL FoRcE Mi tO dO SomEtHiNg_*