Sunday, July 08, 2007
sat 07/07/07
wEnT pS to mEet my mUm for LunCh wIf my bRo n bAby jude hAha=X dEn lAtEr wE wEnt to boUght preSent foR my CouSin dE baby.. bouGht A toFu n a lil ToRtoisE..
ChaRrisse rAndalyn wee 1st yr Old BiRthday pArtY!!
at aloha.. changi fairy poInt.. had bbQ n BuFfeT.. thE fooD QuiTE nicE la.. dEnn... tiS lil bAby.. dun lEt mi cArrY.. wAn cArry hEr dEn shE dun wAn mI.. tuRn AwAy fRom mI.. BiAs.. dUn let gEr carry UnLess u R hEr MothEr,grAndmoThEr, my ah mA oR my CouSins.. shE lYks GuyS to cArry hEr.. especially FAT guys cos got cusions! hAha=X shE oso lEt my baby cArry WOR!!!! aRgH!!!! So AngRy.. hAhA=X dEn plAy thE fiRe SpArkle n poPPers wiF thE kiDs.. hAha=X pLay unTil thE wHolE FloOr sO mAny thE mEtAl thinG.. n thE trEe So kE liAn.. tHe kiDs All THRoW thE FirE spArkles on thE trEe.. lyk Very niCE lyk tAt-.- iN dA End mi n my baby clear uP thE meSs.. kiDs alL GoNE!! c em plAy ps n oSo play cArds.. 1 pluS oR 2Am dEn wEnt hoMe.. TirEd!! hAha=)) hAd a greAt dAy!
memories; NaYNeW
11:19 PM