Monday, June 25, 2007
wEnt buGis wiF judy.. haha=Xx I ChiOng Go bUy My AnnA Sui MAscara!![$41] den thE SAles gEr ReCoMmEndeD thE AnnA Sui PeRFuMe! OmG! $80 1 bottLE.. thE SMell iS dAmn nicE lA.. whA lAo.. but So eX mAn.. ArgH!!!=X nV bUy lA.. dEn lAtEr wEnT VilLagE.. bOUgHt A whiTe ShoRt pAnts $18... dEn walk bAck to buGis Shp ctR.. sAw tiS whitE vESt At MU.. nicE=)) bOuGHt it foR 20% DiscOUnt whiCh is [Rd oFf $40].. SpEnt monEy n SpEnt monEy... OMG!!!
wEnt ouT wiF my fAmily.. greAt woRld As usuAl.. dEn lAtEr Abt 4 pluS.. wEnt to Aljunied SBC to watCh my bAby plAy mAtch.. SAW HUI QI!! hAha=Xx oMg! So hApPy to C hEr.. buT ShE So gAn jioNg lyk tAt.. SoMemoRe so bZ tokinG on thE phoNe!
memories; NaYNeW
7:55 PM
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
todAy iS MY shOpPing DAy &
OUR 1yr 7 mthS AnNivErsAry!!!!
hAha=Xx pEi wEnyAng gO lot 1 dA librAry to BorRow bOoks..
dEn lAtEr mEt mY dArLing.. wE wEnt fAr eASt ShoPping! boUght a whitE tuBe[$29] (discount onLi 90 cEnts) T.T
dEn i BouGht a drEss[$33.90] & a bElt[$6.40] (actual price is $12.80, got 50% for second item) At HulA n Co. hEhe=X
lAteR wE wEnt tAngs.. i StraiGht AwAy go mAc n boUght dA FOundAtion.. aRgh!! CoSt mE $48 n the SponGe foR $5!
lAtEr i iwAnted To buY anNA Sui MAscAra.. bUt thE pRicE s $41.90.. dEn i Tot foR QuiTe loNg.. my bAby ask mI bUy buT i ThiNK i SpEnt so muCh monEy liAo.. dEn lyK so Ex. sO dEciDE not To buY.. cAn bUy mAny geLato icE crEAm eAt.. So i spEnt thE monEy to Buy tHE reD buLL[NICE!! i LovE IT mAn!! ] n Choc ChiP icE cReAm[$5.60] dEn i wEnt sAsA buY thE mAybEllin MArscAra tAt coSt mE $13.90..
latEr i ReGrEtteD!!! i ShlD bUy tAt AnnA Sui.. i thiNk SincE i pAid foR abt $14 y not $41[difference of 27?] hAha=X SHIt la!
memories; NaYNeW
11:26 PM
Monday, June 18, 2007
yeA So hApPy!!
wEnt PlAzA SinG wiF my bAbE [judE] .. mEt my pArEnts N wEnyAng aT thEre.. wE wEnt To thE siNgtel ShOp.. dUnNo wAt to ChoOse.. wAs cOnsidEriNg SoNY n SuMSunG.. bEocoS tiS sALemAn wAs ReCoMmeNdinG hiS PhoNe whICh iS thE sONy.. hE sAys ChooSing PhoNE iS lyK ChooSinG bF.. thE fuCtioNs iS lyk thE chArActEr oF ur BF.. woUlD u choOse sOmeonE who is HanDsome oR sOmeonE whO hAv a gD chArActeR n woulD makE u hapPy..hE sAys sumsung PhoNE wAs a DeSiGneR phOnE.. iS A hAndSoME phoNE.. Sony hav a bEtA funcTion thAn tAt sumSung.. So i was ConSidEring wHiLE wE wEnt to Hav ouR lunCh......
woOts! wE wEnt tO eAt jAp foOd aT iChiBAn!
In thE eNd....... i chOosE mY hAndSoME hAnDphOne!=))
hAndSomE phonE c liAo oSO wiLL mAKe u ShuAng n hApPy RitE?? hAha=Xx
YES mAn! i GOT my nEw HP!!!!
LatEr iN dA evEning.. wEnt to Aljinied to wATch thE mAtch
aDmiralty Vs T nEts club
WoN!!! thEY wEnt IN SEcoNd Round!!
hAha=Xx dEN wE wENt thE No SIGnboArd aT gEylAng eAt dinNeR.. hEhe=))
memories; NaYNeW
2:23 PM
Thursday, June 07, 2007
05 june
wEnt to see match at ang mo kio cc..
admiralty vs rivervale
101 vs 36
won! haha=Xx
reaLiSed thAt toMmy bRo iS bOon hoE.. hAha=Xx
i bought this shoes at ang mo kio hub.. [47 buckx] nice?!
i love It!
memories; NaYNeW
1:18 PM
Monday, June 04, 2007
i CUT my hair!!!!
i think it look lyk bushes=x
memories; NaYNeW
11:28 PM
Friday, June 01, 2007
may30 thurs
YEa! i mEt my gEr.. weNt bugIs.. LinG, stEr[laopo] n me wEnt to ShoP aRd fIrst n wAit fOr my AquA!=) okie i bought a glue[3.90] for my fAke eye lAshes.. dEn latEr my lAopo bought a siLver toP.. she so PrEtty la.. wEar wAt oSo Soo prEtty.. haha! [aRgH... y no PoSb dEbit cArd!] haha=X dEn lAtEr my AQuA cAmE! So wE *HiGh 5* Mt nEh Ku... hAha=Xx dEn latEr wE wEnt to tOOk nEo.. my kwAi[HYP] cAmE! dAmn hAppy.. coS shE say she have to go back to find her pAreNts.. buT hEr mUm lEt hEr stAy wiF uS.. So later wE wEnt StarBuCk! ah Ling boUght tHe BananA muffin!! haha.. i tRied to tiEd my bEatiFul hair.. but is lyk so layered? my hair is dRoppIng la.. i hAv to bE carEfuL.. hAha=X wth la? dEn My hYp GO liAo!!!! *sEr bu dE let hEr go.. mMmm.. dEn wE wEnt bugis villagE.. i bouGht a black skinny jeans.. so Cheap[$26] thEy sAy i weaR nicE so i buY lo.. haha.. WoRth iT la! mmm.. dEn latEr wE sAw Tis veSt [20 bucks] iS nicE la.. ArGh.. okiE i nv rEgrEt buyinG moi la.. haha.. bouGht earRings[3 for $5].. dEn my AquA bouGht tiS blAck pAnts[$25] so NicE la.. it suits hEr mAn.. lovE iT! dEn my lAopo bought tis gold cRown bElt[ 9 bUCks oNLi] woRth iT mAn! niCE la.. hAha=Xx dEn Ah lIng.. onE shoT buy a jeAn skiRt n a jeAns[$35].. NicE NicE!! hAha.. dEn AftEr thE ShoPpin whiCh wAs Abt 10pm.. i M hungRy.. So wEnt dinnEr.. dEn lAtEr wE wenT homE.. chAt oN the mRt plAtfoRm till going to 12am liao.. So latE..i thiNk i tok Too muCh la.. dEn lEt em so lAtE dEn go hoME..[*gulity*] NewAy EnjOyed my dAy ShOppiNg wiF My prEtty n lovely gErs! *missed*
memories; NaYNeW
12:44 PM