Tuesday, February 13, 2007
wEnt DovEr hQ wiF dArling.. But whEn wE ReAchEd thEre.. thE pErsOn sAy dUn nEed to Go thEre foR eXchAngE oF CouRsE! dEn wEnt Sp tO aPply foR CourSes.. mEt JoCelyn thEre.. thE pErsON sAy aPply ThRu onLinE.. So lAtEr wE wEnt weSt maLL.. eAt KFC.. wAlk arD.. dEn Go homE..... BouGht thE StupiD thinG taT coSt me $79.90.. POk liAo=((
todAy wEnt Np wiF jocElyn tO Apply foR couRsEs La.. dEn StupiD lA.. thE aDvisor thEre aR.. sAy DAE onLi got onE ChoicE.. bluFf uS onLi.. whEN wE go ApplY tAt timE wE gOt ThrEe chOicEs lA.. whA lAo.. wAnnA BluFf uS.. dEn lEt uS THink untiL siAo..
1st choice - bAnking & finAncial
2nd choice - MarinE & oFfShoR TeCh.
3rd ChoicE - ProduCt deSign
Mmm... dEn lAtEr wEnt weSt mALl.. eAt ouR luNch dEn wAlk awhIle dEn went baCk.. dEn mEet my dArlIng At loT 1.. pEI hiM eAt.. dEn lAtEr wEnt homE lEr.. hAhA=X thX mY deAr dArlIng.. muAckx muAckx!=)) Do tHE STupiD mIrroR cAbinEt tiLL niGhT.. So tirEd aR...
memories; NaYNeW
11:29 PM