Thursday, August 31, 2006
[[`HaPpY teAchErs' dAy`]]
todAy wEnt bAck Rgt sEc.. NicE ConCeRt lAR!!!!!!!!! NicE mAn.. mS LOW! y aLL mS LoW sO CB de.. F*** aR!! BU SHUAnG! Wo jiU sHi Bu ShuAng!! angRy>.< AftEr tAt wEnt loT 1 foR luNch.. tAk nEo.. dEn wEnT cHonG's hsE tO plAy mAhjonG n dAi dEe.. chAttEd wiF my aQua tiL abt 10pM den gO homE.. hAha=Xx sO muCh to tOk? Mmm.. weLL.. wiLL meEt up SoOn yA? =))

memories; NaYNeW
10:43 PM
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
wEnt HaBouRfRont waLk n wAlk.. wAit fEr my dAddy dEn mEet hiM gO eAt SaKAe SusHi.. hAha=Xx so nicE la thE loBStEr sOup.. Mmmm........ den My dAdDy giF Mi $1000-.- wow! wth! but actuaLli i cAn spEnt $200 onLi La-.- dEn lAtEr i wEnt rafFleS cIty wAlk AlonE bOugHt thE ShoRts.. dEn later my bRo CoMe mEet Mi.. dEn wAit fEr mY deAr deAr tO comE.. gO SuNteC City wAlk wAlk.. go AdidAs to bUy my shOe.. mMmm.. dEn my mUm cOmE tO mEet us fEr dInnEr.. gO IcHiban.. JApAneSe foOd AgAin-.- newAy QuitE tirEd La.. sO bOreD walkinG AlonE.. I LoVe my baby So mUCh.. hAha=Xx
memories; NaYNeW
10:45 PM
Monday, August 28, 2006
todAy SpEnt My dAy At home wAtch tV.. Ask deAr comE my hSe pei Mi.. buT sO siAnx na.. nth To dO.. -.- MaId cooking sux.. i think i cook beta=xx
memories; NaYNeW
10:27 PM
sAt wEnt ouT wiF eRic N rAcheLLe woR! hEhe.. wE wEnt mArinA dEn lAtEr evEninG wE wEnt ECp.. coZ rAchELle fReN dE cHuRch gOt Bbq. go thErE eXtra.. my DaRlinG hoR.. tHInk oF gOinG tO jOin thE gAmes Hor? wAnna gO hug and holD gErs hAnd.. NvM.. go thEre.. hAppIly huh? happily toKinG n xiAn chAr bO huH.. Mmm..BuT beRy rOmAtiC At niGht.. hAha=X Neway QuitE fUn bahx..
dEn SuN wEnt out wiF my fAmily tO chInAtoWn.. So bOriNg dE.. wALk hEre n thEre..sO siAnx.. onLi buY brA.. tOt oF buyinG my ShoRts N shoeS.. iN dA enD.. My mUm sAy tiS n tAt.. sAy untiL nV buy.. iF tMl nV bUy dEn i dUn wAn joIn chEerleAding liAo.. =Xx So SiAnx nA..
memories; NaYNeW
10:20 PM
Saturday, August 26, 2006
LaOgong's BirthdAy!
wEnt hiS hSe AftEr pReLim..He's angRy wiF mI..dunno wAt tO do..hAha=Xx but later he okie liao.. dEn show him Sumthing.. A SuRpriSe! hAha=X i tHink He's happy bahx.. HopEfuLLy? coZ hE smIling to HimsElf whEn reAding? dEn latEr in thE AftErnoon wEnt eRic's place dEn play bbALL aWhILe.. gO bAck hiS hse.. wAit foR him tO bAth And chAngE.. dEciDing tO gO oR not To gO.. In thE enD i gO loR.. hAha=X hiS AunT's hSe.. goSh! wAs sO scAred aR.. buT lAtEr AwhILe okiE okiE liAo.. hEhe.. Not wat i thInk iN thE 1st plAce.. nEwAy i HopE lAogOng'S eNjoy hImsElf bAhx.. but i thInk iS quitE siAnx? hE's hAppy,i'm hApPy=))
mSg to bAby : i lovE u So muCh baBy. ReaLLi hAppy bEing With u.. HopE uR wiSh cOme tRue!=)) muAckx!
memories; NaYNeW
12:38 AM
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Mmm.. today went my laogong's hse to pei him..
memories; NaYNeW
11:45 PM
Monday, August 21, 2006
Mmm..sCh so slAck.. wAtcheD CliCk.. iS juS a DreAm.. bO liAo aR.. mmm.. AftEr sCh mEeT mY dArLinG=)) muAckx! hEhe.. lovE him so much lAR........=P
memories; NaYNeW
10:34 PM
Sunday, August 20, 2006
EaRli in thE moRning come to My hsE juS tO pAss Mi a lIl boX.. A boX tAt ContAin hiS lovE. sO nIcE..N a Love LettEr iNside.. lOve it so muCh lAr.. tHx lAogong! hHEhe.. dEn lAtEr wEnt ouT wiF my pArEnts And yANg tO greAt woRld. saW my lAopo[eSthEr] shE scAre mi siA.. hAha=X kAna shOck. buT so happy To c hEr aR.. sAY Hi n byE onLi.. coZ my mum iS tHeRe N her bRo n biAo jiE wAiting fEr hEr tO wALk sloWly to Mi? hAha=Xx sHe sEems tO bE boRed? Mmm..SpEnt $200 +++ i dunnO.. nEwAy i bOuGht contAct leNs.. 2 pAir ColouRed ContAct.. dEn thE reSt noRmaL dE.. dEn lAtEr whEn ZArA tO buY a SkiRt.. I lyK it =)) quite SimpLe but nicE.. hEhe.. dEn wAtch pIrate cArIbbeAn.. sO tiRed La..Slp AwHILe dEn fORce MysElf to opEn my EYEs Big.. haha=Xx I MiSs mY laogOng La!
memories; NaYNeW
9:23 PM
Friday, August 18, 2006
O weLL.. today's mAndy moduLe. It's BoRing mAn.. liSten to clAire's grandmother stories. hAha=X no lar.. she Bo liao wan ar.. So LamE.. L*** haha=x
newAy went to meet my darling. we went to raffLes city 1st. Oh! N i sAw tiS AdICoLouR ShoE So dAmn NicE aR. i wAn it! hAha=Xx

mR hAppy=))
dEn AftEr tAt wE went to thE dunno wat pizza shop eat.

tiS is ThE duNno wat seAfood wAtevA. nicEr? hAha=x
den went to marina. Bought clothes for him.. N he bought for mi back. hAha=X wth lar! neway mm... dunno he lyK thE shirts anot ar.. aftEr spEnding all the money dEn latEr jiu tak bus to Bukit bAtok. sitting at the stairs there. den saw xing, xiang they all.. so QiaO ar.. hAha=X dEn tak mRt went back tgr.. woOts! Love dArling so muCh. thx for pei-ing mi N hElp mi tak my things all the way till i reach my door steps.

wow! Shirt nice onli. hAha=X

memories; NaYNeW
10:42 PM
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
wOot! today willy's module wor.. LYk nv do ANythiNG siA.. hAha=X AIyA. dun cAre lar. aNyway i Stay foR 3rd mEeting liao.. So guAi RitE? hEhe.. after tat go home do my HmwK..den MeEt mY dArling for dinner.. Last mintuE dEcide to Go CUt hAir.. TRIM & CUt sAlOn.. My hAir thInner liao. nOT so ThiCk.hEhe=)) hAppy^_^ muAckx! love u lar=))
memories; NaYNeW
10:18 PM
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
schools are bored.
got my retainer=))
i love my laogong!=Pp
memories; NaYNeW
10:34 PM
Monday, August 14, 2006
ppl do changed ya?=))
i m bored n i'm dying...
memories; NaYNeW
8:54 PM
Sunday, August 13, 2006
weLL.. aS uSuaL i wEnt to My dAD's oFficE.. lAteR aRd 2 plUs went tO mEet him n hiS frEnx tO iKeA.. bOuGhT thE chAiR.. den wEnt to puT thE chAir aT eDmuNd's hsE.. JoylIng wAs aT hOme woR.. hAha=x dEn wEnt To a CoFfee ShoP eAt.. thE fooD not nice=X dEn latEr wAlk a lOng wAy tO Bouna VistA mRt.. toOk tHE mRt to loT1.. sAw KiLLva n HeR guy At 1st.. So lOng nV c hEr liAo.. So QiAo siA.. dEn Went up to 4Th FlooR.. sAw lIng,biNG n Qi.. dEn latEr pIng,nA, EilEen n gANg cAME up.. wow.. hAha=Xx wHile chAtting wiF liNg N binG, mY AQuA cAmE.. kAnA ShoCked.. nEwAy Yup.. iS fAted? hAha=X feeL So NicE mEetinG eM.. ouR olD hAng ouT plAcE.. hAha=Xx dEn wAited fEr thE guyS to plAy finiSh thE gAmes.. AfteR tAt whEn gOing doWn tAt timE..i sAw jEssie's siS At 1st..hOpinG to C jEsSie.. hAha=Xx dEn sAw jeSsiE n hEr guY.. OppS! i sAw tAt!!! hAHa=Xx So wHere's kwAi n stEr? kEke.. miSs eM sO much lAR.. muAckx muAckx!! c sO mAny RegEnites todAy.nice!=))
memories; NaYNeW
9:40 PM
Saturday, August 12, 2006
weLL... TodAy weNt to My dAd oFficE.. dAMn bOReD.. wAtCh the RepeAt NDP ShOw.. AftEr wAtchiNg.. yAng,muM n Mi wEnt thE pS cAfe nEaR my dAd's oFficE FoR teA brEak? Erm.. newAy wE nv eAt luNch yEt.. WOW! tAt DouBle CHoColAte cAKE.. thE 1st mOuTh wAs ReaLLi NicE mAn.. BuT iS too mUch.. N tOo sWeet.. i dun wAnNa eAt ChoCOlAte AgaiN.. I'M scAred=X hAHa.. AftEr tAt wE tOok bus tO kAllAng n wE wAlked to thE nO Sign Board rEstuArAnt neAr IndoOr StAdiuM..hAve diNnEr witH My COuSins n fAmiLy..i LOVE the CRabs!~ ThUmbs uP! haha=)) So full..AftEr thE dInnEr whEn we wALk ouT.. wE sAw thE FIREwoRKS! wOooHoo... dAmn CooL n NicE.. woW! eNJOyed..BUt I Got a HeAdAchE=((

yang n mi cute ma?=X

yang so bored

yAng n mi at NO signboard
memories; NaYNeW
11:12 PM
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Mon wEnt chALet juS to cElebrAte StAcia[my cousins] B'dAy..fRom HongkonG de.. yTD wEnt cHaLeT FoR Bbq, dEn go fiSh the pRAwn..bUt we Din cAught ANy oF it.. Arghh.... hAha=X dEn latEr wEnt my Ah mA hsE to stAy ovErniGht.. wAke up dEn eAt my bReAkfASt dEn Slp Again.. So TiReD.. dEn wAke up eat AgAin.. dEn AftEr tAt wEnt chAlet to FiND eM.. went CycLing..dEn later wENt goLdEn miLe eAt SteAmboAt Cum chickEn RicE fOr diNnEr..wEnt uP tO my dAd's oFfice to c thE FiRewoRks.. wOots! so NicE..... EnJoyeD.. FighTinG wiF my litTle couSin.. i DunNO hoW to SpeLL hiS nAMe.. Alsten?hAHa=X goSh! EvEn hE FighTed wiF my dARlinG.. haha=X so CHildiSh.. =Xx i not saying myself indirectly if u notice tAt.. hAha.. newAy hopE thEy EnjoYed!
hAppY nAtIonAl dAy!
hAppy BdAy SIngApore N to Mi=Xx
memories; NaYNeW
11:13 PM
Saturday, August 05, 2006
TodAy dArliNg CoMe mY hSe FinD mi..dEn lAtEr wEnt To hiS hsE.. teAch mAths- teAch unTiL i wAnnA VoMit blooD.. wAnnA DiE LiAo=X eAt dinnEr At hiS hSe.. wAtch cAtwoMan.. so nicE.. I wANna wAtch TV! hAha=X
toDay's mY jIe's bAby 1 mth woR.. tMl gO C hEr.. hEhe=))
memories; NaYNeW
10:30 PM
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Mmm... So Sianx in ScH.. NewAy AftEr tat Meet my dArlinG.. So TiReD siA.. thX! Luv u alwAys!=))
memories; NaYNeW
9:13 PM
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Mmm.. TodAy goT tuiTiOn So weNt bAck eArlier But lAter mEet mY dArlIng At loT 1.. wEnT dElifrAnce eAt.. goSh! i'M sO FuLL... dEn later tuition....................... so siAnx lo>.< KnEw It! i kNew iT! i knEw tat mY laOgonG iS slpiNG oN mY bEd! hAha=X SlP untiL sO sWeEet....... hEhe.. dEn latEr wEnt out eAt dinNeR=)) muAckx! love him lots. cherish him.
clAire lyks to eat chicken rice,leSs rice more vege. hAha=Xx wTh!
memories; NaYNeW
10:00 PM