Monday, October 31, 2005
Mmm.. juS cAmE bAcK fROm Lot 1.. TodAY ChiNeSe pApEr.. hAix.. dUn sAy Le.. DoNe bADly bAhx.. dUn tHiNk B3 mAybE woRSt dEn tAt.. tRy Moi lUcK bAHx.. Mmm.. wENt LoT 1 mEt KwAi n LiNg.. weNt KFC hAd luNch wiF StEr n wC.. dEn mI,StEr n wC.. gO wAlk ArD.. dEn chAt.. AlOt oF thIngS siA.. hAha.. mAkE Mi lAugH lyk duNnO wAt.. stEr's drEaM.. KeKe.. thE dEsErt.. whAHaHa.. OmG! AnywAy i gO hOmE chANgE.. dEn wEnt mAc stuDy.. dO mAths niA.. siAnx.. dEn gO fOod juNctIon eAt diNneR wiF cHonG.. tOk AloT oSo.. heAr hE miSs hiS lAo pO.. n hE dotE kwAi AlOt.. gD hUh? hEex.. sAw yAyA=) hE woRe bRoWn.. dAmN NicE.. i meAn bErY nicE.. bRoWn cOlOuR eH.. kEke.. =X Mm.. bErY loNg nV C HiM Le.. dEn AftEr tAt whEn on thE wAy gOInG hOmE mEt Moi MEi[mInyi], nA n jUliE.. dEn wEnt bAck FoOd JunCtiOn.. pEi eM wAlk AbiT dEn WeNt hOmE Le.. sO siAnx.. nX wK jIu sTaRt o'S Le.. wAt m i DoiNg NoW.. *SLAcK* i cAnT stUdY At HOme.. coZ gOt tV n cOm.. No cOm uSe lAptOp..-_- hAhA.. Omgg! Aiyooo... nVm Laa.. tRY mOii LuCckk..... =Xxxx thInK sOmEboDy gOInG tO nEh Mi liAo.. *covEr mOi eArs*
memories; NaYNeW
10:17 PM
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Mmm.. aCtuaLLi.. wEnt thErE sWiMmIng oNLi.. nTh mUch tO dO thErE.. thE wHoLe dAy wAs lyk in thE rEsOrt.. SoMeMore nTh tO bUy.. dAmn siAnx.. No gAmes.. oNlI goT SwImMinG pOoL.. diAox.. ytD weNt tO sWim.. dEn NoT fEeLiNg weLL.. todAy MoRniNg gO SwIm AgaIn.. dEn cAmE bAcK gOt seA sick,HoMe siCk,fReNz SiCk,CoM SiCk=X*dYiNg Le* Moi heAd dAmn giDdY.. wAn fAinT LiAo TirEd lyK heLL.. -_-*sHag* AnYwAy thE fOod tHErE dAmn NicE.. eSpeCiaLLy thE LobStEr.. n ChILLi CrAb.. hA.. boTh dAys oSo eAt sEAfoOd.. noW C SeAfooD oSo dUn fEeL lyK eAtiNg Le.. *VomIt* hAix.. siAnx.. TmL CHIneSe O's.. i bRiNg Moi bK gO.. C onE wOrd.. siAnx.. DeN bEry TirEd..clOsE boOk.. go sLp LiAo.. =X AiYo..
hApPy biRthdAy jEsSiE! =)
memories; NaYNeW
7:57 PM
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Mmm.. i GoInG MaLaySiA LiAo woR.. hEex.. miSs Mi Lots=) i wiLL hAv "fUn" huH? i duNno La.. hAha-_- siAnx siA.. tMl cOme bAcK Le.. go oNe NiGht oNli.. hAha.. lYk gO AloT oF dAys.. hAha.. C La.. i noE uR sEr bU dE wO.. hAha.. BuT CoMe bAck muS SuffEr LiAo.. kEke.. wAit fEr Mi tO cOmE bAcK woR=) miSs EvEryoNe of yA.. tAk cArE woR........
memories; NaYNeW
8:44 AM
Friday, October 28, 2005
Mmm... wEnT loT 1 mAc.. mEt Na,julie,pAt n pInG.. StuDy=nV StuDy siA.. duNnO y DuN hAv thE MooD.. AftEr tAt wEnt CeNtuRy in thE eVeniNg lyk tAt.. siAnx siA.. i duNno hoW plAy.. so XiA suAy.. hAha.. pIng sO pRo.. aLl sHe plAy cAn Le.. hA.. ANywAy quiTe fUn La.. hEex.. TmL gOIng mAlAysiA Le.. dUn miSs Mi aR.. hAha=)
thInk u mAke tHe RiGhT ChOicE.. chEriSh wiF wAt u hAv nOw.. shE cAn giF u tHE hAPpineSs tAt i cAnT.. aLl thE beSt tO u.. i hopE u WuN rEgrEt wAt cHoicE u hAd mAde.. nO mAttEr wAt wiLl bE thErE fEr u.. thInk oUR fRiendShiP iS betA Le.. hopE wE cAn bE bEta dEn tiS..=)
memories; NaYNeW
9:47 PM
Thursday, October 27, 2005
whA thE heLl? hAHa.. ytD wEnt juRoNg PoiNt wIf kwAi N lInG.. bOuGhT a pReSenT fEr bInG.. noE wAt iS a SkiRt.. mEi mEi woR.. hEex.. Mmm.. whEn sHe sAw tAt.. sHE waS kiNdA Shock siA.. hAha.. but Dun cArE ar.. AnywAy shE muS weaR.. iS heR foRefit.. kEke.. i done mOi.. iS hEr TuRn.. =) hAppy bElAted BiRthdAY beSt fRiEnd.. YtD QuiTe tiReD.. sO dIn cAlL u.. sORry.. iS Moi tuRn tO bE bO xIm Le? hEex.. mm.. todAy pHySics.. dAmn siA.. hAix.. i hAvEn dOnE fiNisH loR.. iDioT.. nV teLl mi thE tiMe.. tOt stiLL goT tIme dEN i stAnd thEre ThInk So lOnG.. dEn teLL mi tImE uP.. F siA.. slAp sI Ni aR.. whA LaO.. angRy.. dAmn No moOd.. hAix.. duNno aR.. wAtevA.. AnywAY is ovEr Le.. hAix.. wEnt loT 1.. find pIng nA n jULiE.. dEn micheLl caMe.. actUaLLi wAn stuDy dE.. dEn wEnt micHeLl hSe.. hAha.. thEy aLl fORcE mi.. kEke.. dEn wan gO cC plAy bbaLL oSo nV gO Le.. tOk tO much.. wEnT baCk maC tO hAv dInNEr.. hA.. siT wiF Moi bOifRiEnd.. =) kEke.. siAnx aR.. No mooD!-_-
memories; NaYNeW
10:05 PM
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Mmm.. mEeT kwAi at 8 iN thE moRniNg.. i lAtE siA.. CoZ mOi dAdDy hElP mi bLow mOi hAiR.. toUCheD siA.. soMemorE straIghtEr dEn noRmaLLy hoW moi hAir iS Ar.. buT tHInk i Go sCh.. jiU mESsY Le.. hAha.. weNt eAt bReAkfASt n ReviSe aBit fEr thE chEm pRaC.. sO sCarY siA.. i sCaRe fRoM lAst nIgHt tiLL thE prAc End StiLl AbiT scArE.. i tHiNk i dO aLL wRonG siA.. hAix.. O lEveL eH.. fLuNk LE! hAix...... No MooD siA.... AftEr tAt wEnt lot 1.. hAv luNch wiF kiLLvA,chOng,ah wEi,stEr,kwAI,saRah n ThE cuTe bOi=) i wAnteD tO jiO dE.. kAna rEjeCt bY hIm siA.. he wUn wAnnA aCcept Mi.. bErY strAight FoRwArd SiA.. buT i lyK.. wuN liE tO mI.. =) hEex.. gD! AftEr tAt wAlk AbiT.. go mAc sToNe.. dEn wEnt ChoNg hsE.. hE dAmn fuNny LoR.. MOi GoD.. -_- lAme untiL lyk duNno wAt lyk tAt.. AftEr tAt wEnt Cc...... nV plAy.. dEn wEnt 707 plAy aWhILe jIU gO hOme Le.. =) so BorEd siA.....
Mmm.. i noE iS mOi FaULt.. i ReAllI nV heAr u sAy wAn gO tOgEtheR eH.. juS tAt u ask Mi pEi u wAit fEr buS.. dEn u dUn wAn sAy prOpErLy jIu wAlk AwAy Le.. i M bLuR okiE? MuS uNdErstAnd.. =Pp iF u aNgRy oR wAn attiTudE Mi.. i oSo cAnt dO AnyThInG.. so yA.. nTh tO sAy Le..=)
tO pInG.. dUn eVa GiF uP.. plS gO tO sCh tMl.. i reaLLi bErY sAd whEn i heAr thOse thIngs u sAid.. wAnteD to cRy Le siA.. i Dun wAn u tO giF uP.. dO uR beSt iN EvErytHiNG.. lIfE iS uNfAir tO uS aT timeS.. hOpE u wiLl gO oN StuDy.. pLs.. n tAkcArE=)
i cHeriSh EvErY siNgLe frEn i hAv.. i MiSs EvEry sIngLe tiMe tAt i spEnt wiF eM.. it wiLl aLL kEpT iN mOi mInd aS a mEmorY.. nV wiLl i FoRgeT.. treAsuRe oUr fRienDshiP LotS.. i LoVe aLl oF yA=)*muaCkx! n HugS!~*
memories; NaYNeW
10:40 PM
Monday, October 24, 2005
siAnx.. ytD wholE DaY STay At HoMe.. WhOLe dAy uSe cOm N wAtcH tV.. RoTting Sia.. hA.. todAy wAke Up sO eArlY.. coZ gOT A mAthS n E mAtHs moCk.. boTh wAn dAn LiAo.. sUAn Le bAHx.. AftEr tAt wEnt Lot 1.. went lonG jOhn haD ouR luNch.. dEn OuTsIdE thErE gOt tHoSe meDiAcoRp ppL aCtInG.. duNno wAt ShoW lai dE.. OlD chAng kEe.. hAha=X dIaoX.. thE gER sO cute SiA.. buT ShE Act BLinD dE.. kE LiAn hEr.. ShE dAmn CUtE loR.. Omg! hAHa=X -_- dEn tOok nEo wiF thoSe 4/9 guyS,kwAi,choNg ,aH wEI,kiLLvA n SophiA.. AbiT wEirD siA.. hAHa.. diAox-_- sO siAnx.. tmL cHeM prAc! sO scAry.. scArE i SpiLL thoSe chEm ouT.. hAha.. lYk thE pReLIm lYk tAt dEn i diE Ar.. tMl muS weAr sPeC.. coZ duN wAnnA wEar thE StuPiD gogGlEs.. sO tOot~ hAha..
U ChOoSe thE wRoNg tiMe tO aSk.. n i DuN feEl lYk wAtChinG.. u AsK mi dO aNyThInG buT moivE.. nOt i dAO.. buT iS u aSk Mi noT tO rEply.. i duN wAN mAke tHinG woRst.. sO i rAThEr noT tO rEpLy.. hOpe u cAn undErStanD.. iF u dUn undErstAnd dEn.. thErE's ntH i cAn dO.. tAk cArE bAhx=)
memories; NaYNeW
4:59 PM
Sunday, October 23, 2005
-^Graduation^ -
And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day
Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down
These memories are playing like a film without sound
And I keep thinking of the night in June
I Didn't know much of love, but it came too soon
And There was me and you, and then it got real blue
Stay at home talkin' on the telephone and
We would get so excited, we'd get so scared
Laughing at our selves thinking life's not fair
And this is how it feels
As we go on, we remember
All the times we had together
And as our lives change, From whatever
We will still be, friends forever
So if we get the big jobs and we make the big money
When we look back now, will that joke still be funny?
Will we still remember everything we learned in school?
Still be trying to break every single rule
Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?
Can Heather find a job that won't interfere with her tan?
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it feels
we will still be friends forever
Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there?
Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this town
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
As we go on, we remember
All the times we had together
And as our lives change, From whatever
We will still be, friends forever..
memories; NaYNeW
12:51 PM
Mmm.. aCtuaLLi wAntEd tO StuDy dE? buT dEn aT thE enD dUn hAv.. hEngLiNg.. pAisEh woR.. pS u.. =Xx wEnT RoNniE's hSe cELebrAte hiS biRthdAy.. hiS hSe bErY biG siA.. dEn gO thErE.. ReaD CoMiCs... AfTeR tAt plAy mAhjOng wiF lOng,jiA wAh n RoNniE.. eNjOyiNg LifE huH? AftEr tAt bEry siAnx n TirEd.. dEn wAtChed tV.. iNdiA sHoW.. eXciTiNg Huh? ronNie's FavOuritE shOw woR.. hAha=X sO fuNny.. dEn C wAng JiE stArt fiRe.. tRaIn hiS muScLes siA.. hAha=X dEn stArt BbQ.. AftEr tAt xiAng thEy aLl cAme Le.. aBiT SiAnx.. coZ duNno wAT tO do.. dEn plAy mAhjong AgAin.. AfteR tAt stArT thE biRthdAy bAsH.. thEy tiEd hIm to thE pILlaR.. hAHa=Xx diAox.. hE bEry kE liAn siA.. buT FuN~ hAha=X aSk a Ques.. hE wRoNg dEn thRow BoMb.. wiF fLouR n eGg inSidE SoMemoRe.. plAyeD wAteR bOmbs.. hA.. tAk piCs dEn wEnt oFf Le.. thE gUys pEi mi wAit fEr Moi DaDdy to FetCh Mi.. thX guyS.. LaStLy.. HaPpy biRthdAy rONNie!~ enjOyeD N hAv fUn.. thX fEr jIoiNg mi gO.. hEex.. muAckx!=)
memories; NaYNeW
1:57 AM
Saturday, October 22, 2005
-GrAduAtiOn dAy-
hApPieSt N sAddIeSt..
A dAy tO ReMembEr..
DuRiNg sCh tIme.. wAs QuiTe LoOkIng FoRwArd tiLl thE eVeNiNg..wEnT Lot 1 aFtEr sCh.. wiF kwAi,boOn,kiLLvA.. dEn FiNiSh mOi sEcrEt StUffs At SeCrEt plAcE-mAc.. hAha.. diAox.. dEn kiLlvA hElPed kwAi TiE hEr hAir.. sO NicE.. buT dEn AftEr tAt StiLL tAk ouT.. diAox.. XiN ku nI Le.. kiLLvA.. ShE tiEd MoI hAiR toO.. bUt i tAk iT oUt.. mOi noRmaL hAIr StyLe bEtA? hAhA=X coZ aLreAdy loOk bEry NicE Le=Pp hEex.. dEn aftEr tAt siE,lIng, stEr CamE mEet uS.. At thE ToiLet.. hAHa=X thEy tieD thEir hAir oSo.. NicE aR? hEex.. dEn AftEr tAt wEnt lOng johN eAt Le.. dEn reAdy tO gO scH.. wEar TiE.. loOk nicE.. dEn wEnt iN togEthEr.. so CooL=) hAha=X thE gRaduAtiOn tHinG bEginnIngs.. sIng sCh song.. fiRsT tImE sO nicE.. coZ lAst tIme wE sing Le.. hAHa=X mOi deAr[joCe] wEnt uP to hAv a spEech.. so Gd.. cLaP cLap.. coZ shE heAd oF pRefEct SiA.. big sEh.. Mm.. dEn whEn 4/8 wEnt uP tO tAk ouR RePoRt bKs N thE bLaCk FiLe.. wAs kEep stAriNg aT thE pReSentAtiOn.. i wAs lyk.. oMG!!!~ AHhhHh!~ goT Moi pIcs.. sOooO.. oMg.. mS 4/8 soMeMorE n whEn i doIng prAc.. mR nOniS tAk thE piC oF Mi.. buT tAt wAn NicE ar.. i wAn Lehx=Xx hAha.. diAox. i sO dAmn pS WoR.. AiyO.. dEn GoT DC7 pErFoRmAncE.. dAmN nicE.. wiLl nV FoRgEt thE gRouP.. CoZ thEy in 2/8 N thEy JuS RoX!~ hEex.. dEn wE aLL bZ SigNinG.. unTiL tAt stUpiD ScH sO eArly ClOse.. SianX.. AloT oF ppL hAvEn siGn fEr Mi Eh.. buT bEry bEry hAppy.. 4/8 RoX!~ thE bOnds iS bAck? buT C moi dEaR[jOcE] CriEd sO ChAm.. i oSo cRieD.. hAix.. sO sAd LoR.. She cRy unTiL lyK tAt.. mAkE mi sOooOo sAd.. dEn cRy unTiL lyK duNno wAt.. C biNg tHerE..cRy evEn woRst.. hAHa=X CoZ duN wAnnA miSs eM aLL AftEr o'S.. dEn toOk piCs wiF ex 2/8 n 4/8.. sO NicE!~ AfTEr tAt wEnt lAo dA hSe..[you soOn] sO NicE.. moSt oF thE 4/8 iS thErE.. toOk quiTe A No. oF pHotoS.. plAy cArdS.. n C Qi's drAmA.. mAke mi lAugH lyK heLL AgAiN.. AlwAys dE siA.. hAHa.. dEn you soOn plAyed GuItAr.. So nICe wOr.. hEex..Mm...AftEr jIu wEnt Home Le lA..
i M hAppY to nOe evEryOnE oF yA fRoM tiS ScH.. N hAppY tO grAduAte froM tiS sCh.. =) wiLL miSs EvErYonE oF yA.. EspEciaLly MoI eX 2/8 N 4/8.. uR juS RoX!~ uR lEavE a grEat N HaPpy timeS n mOmeNts fEr Mi to rEmeMbEr.. nV evA fOrgEt! *MuAckx!* tO aLL oF u.. tAk CarE.. n StUdy hArd!~ tHx EvEryBodY.. N tHe teAchErs tOo!
-A mEmorAbLe moMent-
memories; NaYNeW
1:38 AM
Friday, October 21, 2005
Mmm... tOkinG AbT yTd.. i sO AngRy wiF mOi bRo.. StupiD! EfFeRvEsEncE=X tATs y.. nV oNLiNe.. siAnx siA.. wEnT Cc plAy bbALL.. plAy=nV pLay.. -_- hAha=X sO maNy pPL siA.. AiYo.. CoZ i gO? AftEr tAt wEnt 707 plAy fEr AwhILe jIu gO hoMe Le.. wRitE SoMeThIng feR mOi claSs N somE tAt R i thiNk iS iMpoRtAnt tO Mi.. hAHa=X
cHaTteD wiF yA oN thE pHoNE ytD nIghT.. hAppy aR.. hAHa=X diAox.. sO fuNny LoR u.. Aiyo..
memories; NaYNeW
12:49 AM
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
hAix.. ytD i lAte.. TodAy oSo lAte.. BuT Nv aS lAtE aS mOi LaO pO [ster] aR.. shE dAmn lAte lOr.. shE bEry piG siA.. hAha=X TodAy LaSt dAY oF pE Le.. plAyeD vOlLeybaLL n CaPtAin baLL.. dun say i Not sTeaDy hoR.. mI n Qi.. pArtnErs.. hEn yOu mO qi.. hAHa=X nV pS boTh siDes =) i bEry gD dE.. hEex.. hEng moi hAnd nOt lyK lASt wK lYk tAt.. No piG TrOttEr.. hAHa.. dEn rEcEss.. liStEn to StEr's BitCh StoRy.. sO FuNny.. loW fRequEncy siA.. kEke.. Mmm.. dEn AftEr tAt gOt AssEmBly.. sO loNg No aSsemBlY lE.. TIs Wk LaSt OnE liAo.. But iS stiLL sO dAmn BoreD dE LoR.. wAt dEngUe fEvEr.. siAn aR.. dEn Got dUnNo wat ShiT.. i dUnNo wAT lAI dE.. hAha.. dEn GoT bRiEfinG abT thE grAduAtiOn dAY.. wAsnT liStEninG.. hA.. AftEr tAt wEnT loTonE hAv lUnCh wiF kwAi n SiE.. dEn wEnT maC.. No fAte siA.. fRoG jUmp hoMe LiAo.. buT mI n moi BoiFrEn SuRe GoT fATe.. coZ hE duNno hoW aUto.. kiNdA miSs HiM Le.. hAha=X wAs lAUgHinG lYk HelL.. CoZ tmL GoT MoP=X wE r thE moPpeRs? swEepErs swEepIng thE fLooR? dEn mOi AqUa,158,mounT nEh kU[PrIs] cAme.. hEe.. She sAy pAinTers.. hAha=X kwAi sAY wAt smALL VeRsIon oF bRuSh-_- iS bRoOm? hAha=X uSe bRuSh swEep FlOoR.. uSe pAinT bRuSH MoP fLooR? sO dAmn LamE LoR.. dEn thEY sAY i laUgh gOT.. dEn kwAi imAginE i lAugh dEn waLk oNe roUnd AbiT thE plAntS? hAHa=X diAox loR.. lAuGh unTiL siAo siA.. wE keEp lAughiNg lYk heLL loR.. Moi goD.. aSk Moi aQua sAy wAn buY somEthIng.. dEn aSk hEr wAt She wAn bUy.. SHe say dUnNo.. -_- hAHa.. wEnt pOpuLaR.. buY SUmThiNg.. =x DuN TeLl uR.. BLeAhx=Pp oNLi priS,siE n kwAI NoE.. CoZ thEy oSo Buy.. =X ShhHh.. AiyA.. ActuaLLi.. we BuY pApeRs n pEn la.. hAha.. O's LeveL CoMing liAo.. nEEd thoSe thIngs Ma.. diAox-_- i ToKing tO mOiSelF.. SH!t.. hahA=X *SoTtY* dEprEsSion... =Xx
Mmm.. HoPe evErythIng wiLL bE fIne.. hEex.. =)
^_^SmiLeys ROX!^_^
memories; NaYNeW
6:45 PM
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
SoNg: Every Heart
bEry NicE!!! =Xx
memories; NaYNeW
5:43 PM
whA.. dAmn SiAnx.. ForCe mOisElF uP tiS moRniNG.. sO dAMn sIAnX.. heArd peH ah LiNg SiCk.. i MorE siAnx.. ToT wE sAy todAy muS go sCh dE.. whA LiAo.. hAha=X buT.. AnYwAy tAk cAre oF uRseLf woR.. wE so hAppy u Nv ComE siA.. opEn a BiG pArTy! kNs.. AloT oF ppL nV COmE LoR.. eSpEciaLLy ThoSe gErs.. AiYo.. BuT hoR.. TmL suRE CoMe.. cOz GoT pE.. whAHaha=X i wAn plAy VoLLeybaLL dE.. THouGh tAt TiMe plAy uNtiL hAnd SwOLLen lYk piG's tRottEr.. hAha=Xx diAox-_- TmL oSo lYk tAt? i ThiNk? hAha=X Mmm.. mEt Moi mOunT NeH Ku! -_- bEry NicE!~ i lAugH unTiL dUnNo lYk wAT wHEn i TolD eM abT thE BeE ThIng.. i wAs lYk OmG! Ki siAo Liao? hAha=X diAox-_- dEn gOT pHySicS Mock.. GoT=dUn hAv.. hAHa=X wE lyk DiScuSsiNg oR SumThing? =Xx AnYwAy bInG MiSs Mi aLoT.. CoZ ytD nV wEnt sCh..buT dEn ShE StiLl sAy.. bEry gD!>.< ha="X" haha="X" color="#006600"> FooL ouT oF mOisElf.. *dEpReSsIon* kAnA pEeR inFlUeNcE By hL la.. She woRsT bAhx.. oPps!~ LastLy SmILey RoX!~hAha=X yeA~
memories; NaYNeW
5:35 PM
Monday, October 17, 2005
whA.. dAmn siAnx.. juS fEeL lYk BloGgIng.. hAix.. noW kiAo kA eAtInG wAtermeLoN.. hAha=X -_- i noT tAt RoUgh La.. okIE? hAha=X whAa... siAo.. siAnx lYk heLL aR.. No EntErtAinMenT anyMorE fRoM SoMeonE Le.. =Xx hA.. hEn sAd eH.. -_- AnYwAy.. i hOpE u r ReaLLi hAppy=) bAhx.. CoZ NoW u SpEnDinG MoSt oF thE TiMe wiF hEr yA? BuT moSt ImPoRtAnTLy.. i m StiLl dAmN hAppy whEN i m wiF Moi fRenx.. sPeNtiNg Moi prEciOuS TiMe wiF eM.. HoPe ouR fRiEndShIp wiLL stAy lYk tiS.. aS LonG aS wE caN bAhx.. ReALLi scAre tHe dAy whEn wE SePerAtE.. i NoE tHerE SurE bE oNe dAy dE bAhx.. tRyInG hArd tO bE wiF Moi frEnx moSt oF thE tImE now! trEaSuRe n ChEriSh EvEry SiNgLe sEc.. i dUnnO wAt wiLL hAppEn oN thE grAduAtiOn dAy oR mAybE whEN we GoT ouR O's ReSuLt.. noW.. EvEryBoDy iS StuDyiNg lYk mAd.. n I m NoW.. StOnIng InfROnt oF thE coM n tV.. kNs.. hAHa=Xx dAmn siAnx lyk heLL.. TmL GoiNg sCh Le.. !~ aHhhhH!!!~ Got pHySiC moCk.. kNs=Xx
memories; NaYNeW
9:21 PM
Mmm... TodAy PON sCh!~ hAha=X PpL tEaCh Mi pOn dE.. =Pp ActUaLLi i bErY guAi dE loR.. hAha=Xx Mmm.. wEnT lOt 1 wiF hEng LiNg.. shE bE thE mAriA todAy.. =X BuY tHiNgs fEr hEr mUm.. sHe Mo Jie siA.. eVeRyTiMe Mo Mo Mo wAn.. sO SloW.. AftEr tAt wEnT teCk whyE mAc.. mEet kwAi.. wE wEnt tHeRe "StuDy" plAy mOrE StuDy lESs.. whAHaha=X thErE sO ColD siA.. Aiyo.. CoLd untiL duNNo wAt lyK tAt.. keEp GoinG ouT pEi mOi bOifReNd.. hE bErY Ji Mo.. tAts Y muS gO ouT pEi hIm.. SiT on thE bEnCh.. hE bErY wAt lOR.. cAnnOt Auto dE siA.. EvEryTiMe muS ppL tAk fiRsT InItAtive.. hAiyO!~ wAt siA.. dEn keEp sEduCe MoI frEn.. thE hAnd puT thErE.. sO AngRy>.< haha="Xx" color="#3366ff">AquA tO CoMe.. =Pp dEn thEre's mOi MouNt nEh Ku.. kEke.. =) dEn wHen gOInG HoMe.. wE stAnd aT thE trAfFic tok.. toK uNtiL "rAiN" dEn wAlk tAt pAth.. -__- hAha=X diAox.. *CrAps* dEn On thE wAy wAlkiNG bAck hoMe.. TaT PeH aH LiNg.. ShE dAmn dAmN FunNy LoR.. hAha=X MOi goSh.. sHe lEt Mi lAugH lYk heLL LoR.. hAha=X lauGh unTiL i StoMaChaChe.. lAugH untiL i ReAch HoMe.. whAHaha=X Moi GoD.. thE BRoWn bAnD oN mOi hAnd.. ShE ToT iS a BeE.. She SHouT unTiL So lOuD! whA Lao.. I wAs lYk.. whA LiAo.. "u ShouT So LoUd feR wAt?" hAha=X dEn ShE say She tOt thE bROwn banD iS a BiG bEe-_- Moi goSh.. dEN i laUgh lyk heLL.. Moi goD.. whAhahA=Xx
memories; NaYNeW
6:40 PM
Sunday, October 16, 2005
wHa.. WhOle DaY sTaY At HomE.. dAMn BoreD... siAnx.. hAix..
first time hear u say u chat wif mi bery long sia.. last time not lyk tat de.. shi jie bian liao.. everything change le sia.. mm.. anyway.. cherish wat u hav now wor.. i cant chat wif u lyk the past le bahx.. coz u hav stead.. got restriction.. hAHa=X zhu fu ni=)
memories; NaYNeW
4:40 PM
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Mmmm... mEeT LinG,ShEn,kwAi n pRiS At mAc.. StUdY.. dEn jEn CaMe.. hE'S bEen StOniNg.. hAha=X So dAmn BorEd.. dunNo wat tO dO siA.. SiAnx.. AnywAy hOpE hE wiLl lYk iT.. ThouGh cAnt CoMpArE wiF her La.. HoR? hAhA=X Mmm.. AftEr tAt AcCompAny LinG Cut hAir.. ShE wEnT baCk chAngE cLotHEs Jiu gO ouT Le.. dEn i muS gO hOme.. So dAmn BorEd.. eAt mAgGi mEe fEr DinNEr.. sO fuLL noW.. hAha=X
hAppY birThdAy hAppykiLLeR! EnJoy uRsELf woR! stAy =) hEex..
memories; NaYNeW
7:59 PM
Friday, October 14, 2005
WhA... sTupiD.. wEnt sCh fEr a-mAths n EmAths tEsT.. SIAnx Ar.. sO tIreD.. Mmm.. AftEr thAt wEnt Lot 1 fEr luNcH.. tAT KiLLvA is sOo.. LaMe.. EvErYbodY iS LaMinG aRd.. LeaRn tO pRoNouNce "aShtRaY" hAHa=X aSstray.. -.- tHey sAy becAuse oF mOi bRaCes.. deN cAnNoT pRoNoUnCe prOperLy.. wHa Liao.. *hUmpH* dUn HaV lOr.. =P hAhA.. weNt teCk wHye mac thErE stUdY.. sO fUn.. hAhA.. sIaO.. keEp lAugHiNg=Xx -.-
memories; NaYNeW
11:31 PM
Thursday, October 13, 2005
whA.. dUn fEel lYk gOiNg sCh.. wAnteD tO pOn dE.. NoBoDy wAn pEi mI.. sO boReD siA.. hA.. sO TiReD.. EvEryTimE gO sCh.. So siAnx SiA.. hAix.. TmL StiLL nEedA gO sCh.. wAt thE heLL.. sAy fRi dUn nEed coMe.. dEn stiLL muS ArrAnge claSs N moCk teSt oN tAt dAy.. dEn dun sAy fRi dUn nEed cOmE ScH La.. whA LiAo.. tA bAi dE siA.. hAix.. siAnx SiA.. sCh Sux! AnywAy gOt to gEt ouT tAt sCh SoOoN~ =) bERy gD! =X Mmm.. wEnt loTone wiF kwAi.. BouGhT jeN's pReSeNt.. u wiLl bE SuRpRiSE! =) whAHaha=X sO fUn... kEke.. =Xx OoPp~ dEn mEt pRiS n Sie aT loT 1.. wAlk awhIlE jIu wEnt hOme Le..
memories; NaYNeW
6:12 PM
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Mmm.. sO eArly UpdAte moi BloG.. juS FeEL lyk BloGgiNg La.. haha=X sAw Ster dE BloG.. AiyO.. LaO Po Bu yAo sAd yA? wiLl bE thErE fEr U=) xiN kU nI Le.. whAHaha=X Mm.. siAn aR.. bErY boReD.. hAha=X dUnNo wAt tO dO SiA.. Moi goSh.. AnYwAy TodAy pE.. plAyeD vOLleybaLL.. whAhahA=X bErY fUn! bEeN lOoKinG foRwArd bEry LonG aGo Le? hAha=X mOi hAnd sWoLLeN LiAo.. lYk piG LeG lyk tAt.. hAha=X soME moRe pUrPLe CoLouR.. piAng eH.. C LiAo oSo.. hAiyO.. y lYk tAt.. hAha=X *siAo* siAnx siAnx.. LeI sI wO Le.. -_-zZz
memories; NaYNeW
2:51 PM
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Mmm.. whA.. dAmN siAnx.. sO TirEd.. hmm.. toDay gOt enG teSt.. AnyHoW dO siA.. haHa=X aftEr tAt goT pHySicS rEm. aHhh~ wHeN cAn pOn sCh.. EvErydAy BeCoZ oF a-mAthS dEn comE sCh.. hAix.. SoMeMorE tHuRs goT ChEm teSt.. soT dE.. hAix.. dEn wEnt dEntaL aPpoIntmEnT.. AftEr tAt gO CcK cC StuDy.. kEkE.. sO fUnNy.. tHe gEr iN grEeN.. dUn cOmE OuT.. bEtA stAy aT HoMe N duN cOmE out n ScAre PpL aR.. hAha=X whA LiAo.. oPps~ =x mOunt dI Ku.. =) TodAy stEr nV cOmE.. duNno Y.. pARty tImE AgAiN! hAha.. =Xx stuDy hArd EvEryboDy.. JiA yOu!~ kAmbAtEh..
faStEr O's CoMe.. N gO aHh.. ^_^ yAo kAi xIn O....
memories; NaYNeW
9:18 PM
Monday, October 10, 2005
whA.. beEn oNLinE fEr tWo wHoLe dAy.. siAo RitE? hAha=X BoRed lYk hELL LoR.. oSo dUnNo wAt thE heLL i bEeN up tO.. hAha=X PpL StuDy lYk mAd.. i M stiLl hErE tO uSe ThE CoM.. -_- hAhA.. N i M noT goNnA strESs MoisELf LoR.. i wUn.. =Xx ReLaX aR.. hAha=X moi GoD..
Mmm.. nEwAy.. kindA ShOcK n SuRpRiSe tAT u mSg Mi.. toT u FoRevA wUn ChAt wiF Mi Le.. N dUn dAre tO chAt wiF u FirSt.. coZ i DuN wAnnA C AnY nEgAtIvE RePlY fRoM u.. sO.. wAiT fEr yA tO mSg Mi firSt=) gAlD u stiLL wiLl ChaT wiF Mi.. kEKe.. buT u R ScAry=Xx i DuNno Y SudDeNLy u wiLl chAt wiF Mi.. *thiNkiNg...* buT ReaLLi dUNnO y.. hAix.. HopE u ReALLi hApPy wiF uR LiFE noW.. n StUdY hArD fEr uR o's woR.. jiA yOu bAhx=) i NoE uR gaLfRen berY ChiO =Xx hhAha=X bErY gD=)
-wO hEn kAi xIn=X-
memories; NaYNeW
5:14 PM
Saturday, October 08, 2005
rOtTiNg At hoMe.. bErY BorEd siA.. X_x
memories; NaYNeW
7:11 PM
Friday, October 07, 2005
Mmm.. BorEd n TiReD.. wEnT loT 1.. eAt icE CrEAm~ hAha=X sO NicE.. =Pp afTeR tAt wEnT LinG HsE.. uSe CoM.. liSTEn tO aLot Of SoNg.. tHiNkiNg whIch sOnG iS beSt feR GrAduAtiOnn.. hEex.. whErE iS thE loVe! nIcE.. oR OnE lAsT? hAHa=x =Pp tMl.. dunNo gOInG whEre.. slAck.. n stAY aT hOmE n Rot bAHx.. -_-
xiAng huI dAo gUo Qu.. =)
dAn sHi.. Na sHi huAy bU qU dE cOnG QiAn.. hAix..
memories; NaYNeW
10:24 PM
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Mmm.. dUnNo Y i sO TirEd.. kEeP SlpiNg In claSs.. hAix.. i OsO duNno wAt m I dOInG siA.. mm.. AFtEr sCh... LiNg n KwAi cOmE mOi hSe.. dO thE cARds.. =) bErY nicE woR.. hAha=X uR shALL C tMl.. KeKE..
ChEriSh thE tImEs N miSs thE dAys wHen wE r TogEtHeR.. buT iT juS ovEr lYk tiS.. hAIx.. u sEems tO bE hApPy? i duNno.. ReALLi.. HopE wE cAn gO bAck To thE paSt.. Thinking AloT AbT thE dAys whEn wE r sO cLoSe.. Y lYk tAt? =( hAIx... yAo hUo de kuAi Le..=)
-xiAnG Ni-
memories; NaYNeW
7:11 PM
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
juS cAme bAcK fRoM bAtoK.. wEnT thErE plAy bBaLL.. QuitE fUn woR.. wEnt thErE wif qI n StEr.. hAha=X sAw stEr ShOot thE baLl.. noT bAd HuH? hAHa=X nX tImE PlaY AgaIn? =X Mmm.. sAw MinG lIanG.. Okie Ma.. oSo nOt beRy ShuAi wAt.. hAHa=X whA Lao.. wAn trEaT Mi wAtEr juS tReAt La.. duN sAy iF i shoOt In thE baLL dEn TreAt Mi mA.. hAha.. =Pp dEn sI meI nU.. plAy bbALL keEp sAyiNg wAt oLe.. -_- mAke Mi lAuGh lyk dUnno wAt lyK tAt.. how tO plAy siA... AnYwAY hApPy BiRtHdAy aH weI woR=) hopE u lYk thE AngeLfiSh n uS=X hAha.. diAox..-_- wO hen LeI Le.. bU xiAng yAo gUaN Na meR duO.. iS betA bAhx=)
memories; NaYNeW
9:46 PM
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Mmm.. whA.. i fAiL alot oF suB? hAix.. fAiLed EvEryThIng.. AftEr sCh gOt pHy rEmeDiAl.. BuT i dUn wAnnA gO.. AftEr tAt kwAi n LinG CoMe Moi hSe.. Mmm.. uSe cOm.. -_- hAha.. jEn cOmE aLl thE wAy tO mOi hSe n pASs Mi thE preSenT SiA.. thX wOr=) sO big siA.. wAt u wAn mi To dO wiF iT lEhx? hAhA=X diAox.. aNywAy rEaLli tHx La.. kEke..
wO mEi sHi Qu SeR Mo.. sAtisFy wiF Moi LifE noW.. thOugH iS noT pErfEcT.. buT aS long As i m hAppY.. iS eNouGh Le.. ntH iS miSsinG.. pLs dUn AffEct Mi wiF aLl uR huRtinG wOrds.. N i wiLl bE bErY hAppY=) i m Hu M i.. i wUn cHaNge fEr AnyoNe..
memories; NaYNeW
8:20 PM
SiAnx.. I Nv aCcuSe u.. dUn wRonG Mi.. u R wElcOmE.. i DiN rEfEr to U.. NOTE: whO is DaO-ing Here?? O_o? AttiTuDe ProBlem
memories; NaYNeW
9:43 AM
Monday, October 03, 2005
whA.. SiAnx siA.. StEr tOdAy nV CoMe ScH.. hAha=X wE pArTy iN thE claSs woR.. sO fUn? =Pp TmL goT chEm StRuCtuRed MocK exAm.. SiAnx.. dEn AftEr Sch GoT pRAc.. i dO unTiL 4? ShiT SiA.. i thE lASt onE to FiniSh.. SiAo dE.. hAha=X dunNo wAt i M doIng oSo.. HeAdAche siA.. AftEr tAt wEnt Lot A-mAths.. dO unTiL fEd uP siA.. hAha=X dEn tOk AbT StUpiD GuyS.. SiAnx.. BreAk bAhx~ iS noT woRth..
memories; NaYNeW
8:39 PM
Sunday, October 02, 2005
dAmN sIAnx.. wHoLe dAy aT Moi dAd oFfIcE.. SlePt iN thE AftErnOon.. wEnt dUnNo whEre to hAd oUr DinNer Jiu wEnt hOme Le.. stiLl sO fuLl noW.. whA.. i sO fAt.. muS eXcErciSe Le.. kEke=X SoMeoNe asK Mi toO.. hoR?
U wUn NoE hoW muCh U huRt SoMeOnE sO dEeply By sAYiNg thOsE wOrds.. iT juS aFfeCtEd Moi wHoLe dAy.. hAix.. sInce u wAnTeD it tIs wAy So mUch.. dEn bE tAt wAy bahx.. hAix.. eVeRythiNg chAngEd.. U r noT thE oNe hU i NoE lASt timE.. i UndErsTaNd tAt ppL wiLl chAnged.. tHinGs bEcOmiNg worSt.. isNt thErE A chAncE tO sOlvE AnyThIng? i ReaLLi dunnO wAt's wRoNg bEtWeEn Us...hAix.. it JuS StArtEd lYk tAt? i dUnno.. hAix.. i nV gEt wAt i wAn.. i M sO StuPid.. BuT I leArN SuMtHinG fRoM tAt.. u wun gEt wAt u wAn.. N wAt u duN wAn AlwAys comE tO u.. hAix.. thX Le..
-AtTiTudE pRoBlEm-
memories; NaYNeW
9:45 PM
tAking thE firSt iNitiAtIvE.. StaRtEd MoI FirSt woRd.. Hoping EvEryThiNg wiLl bE FinE.. But iT doEsnT tuRn ouT tO bE lYk tIs.. hAix.. wAt The hELL.. nX tImE i wUn bE thE oNe hu tAk thE fIrSt iNiTiAtIvE AnyMorE tO U.. hAo hAo tOk tO u.. u wAn lYk tiS RePly.. dEn bE tAt wAy.. SuAn le.. tiS is wAt u wAn.. I leArn SuMthIng.. i Dun wAnna bE so StUpiD AnymoRe.. DuN dO AnythIng wHiCh ppL wun AppreCiAte.. tHx!=)
memories; NaYNeW
2:30 PM
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Mmm.. wEnT cAusEwAy wiF jEn.. whA liAo.. mAkE wO lAugH lyK hELL siA.. hE sAy wAn MiNi tOon N tOon[sQuAt doWn] .. whAHaha=X wAt thE heLl loR.. iS lYk.. wAlk uNtiL nO whErE tO gO LiAo.. dEn dunNO y.. Go CoLd StoRAgE wAlk..hAHa=X hE wAns tO eAt pEt's FooD Sia.. Moi GoD.. dEn hE BEry dE nO mAnnErs wAn LoR.. keEp pUShiNg Moi ArM.. hAha=X Mi N hIm NoT CloSe LoR.. hE AnyHoW SiA.. =Xx hEng AftEr tAt hE wenT fEr woRk=X KekE.. dEn wEnt plAy bbAlL wiF XiNg,wAngjie,tIm n jiA wAh at SouTh viEw.. mEt yAya.. hE oSo wEnT thEre plAy.. ppL pRo siA.. kEke.. whA.. i dAmn SuAy.. kAna Hit By thE baLL fEr 2 TiMes.. dEn xIng sAy iF pPL SuAY.. wiLL suAy fEr 3 timeS.. tHiNk thE tHird tIme is whEn i cOok mAggIe.. dEn whEn i poUr thE SoUp.. i BuRnt Moi hAnd siA.. -_- bUt nOw okiE lE La.. hAha..AnYway hAPpy ChILdRen dAY!~
memories; NaYNeW
10:22 PM

NicE aR? hAhA=X
Mmm.. whA.. Moi BloG kAnA lYk DiStOrteD.. juS dEn SoRt oUt fRom tiS DiStoRteD ThInG.. StuPiD.. hAha=X AnywAy.. tIS fEw dAys in sCh gEt bAck pReLim pApErs.. iS FlUnk.. FaiLiNg lYk ShiT.. i DuNno y? hAix.. SuAn Le.. dEn dUNno y.. kwAi LinG n oTheRs.. aLwAys lYk tO cOmE moi hSe sLAck de.. hAha=X juS ThInk tAt EvEryTimE AftEr sCh.. SurE gO Lot 1.. dEn nTh tO dO.. cOmE Moi hse Le.. hA.. yTd SaW jEn.. buT hE cAnnOt c uS? hAHa=X dEn wEnt tO bUy A cAke fEr yAya.. giF iT to Him.. hE bEry FuNnY siA.. hiS fAce waS lYk sO sHoCk oR SuMthInG? hAha.. hE bEry tOuChed.. -_- hiS Eyes wAtEry wAtEry dE..lyk wAnna cRy lyk tAt.. =Xx hAha.. dEn kwAi,LinG, pRiS, StEr n Mi wEnt SunteC.. wAlk wAlk.. dEn mAriNa sQuArE.. wAlkIng One bIg Round tO EspLaNadE.. hAha=X Tok AloT.. wE hAv bEen toking fEr moRe dEn fiVe tHousAnds woRds Le? RitE? HahA.. iS so Fun whEn wE r At thE rOoF thEre.. wE tOok Lots oF pHoTo? hAha=X sO fUnny.. eSpEcialLy pRis.. thE indiA wAn.. hAha=X dEn Abt 8 pluS wEnt bAck.. we wEnt lot 1 tO hAv OuR DinnEr.. wE wAs lYk.. kEeP lAughing N lAugHiNg lYk heLl.. hAha.. mEt yAya.. dUnNo hoW hE thInk AbT uS.. CinG uS bEinG sO crAzy? kEke.. LinG.. hoW iZzit? kekE.. u muS bE bEry hAppy n enJoy uR dAy..hAha.. u bEry touCh unTiL u Cry ritE? dUn Cry kIex? kEke.. thE SuRpRiSe.. whAHaha=) U reAch hOmE n u wiLl noE=X iS iN blAck N whiTe.. [iS a biRthdAy mSg sEnt togEthEr fRom uS At thE sAme tiMe?] hAha=X AnywAy hAppy BirtHdAy to LiNg,sHEn,xiAo Hui N yAya.. =)
memories; NaYNeW
12:09 PM